
The purpose of this website

Mercy is compassion or forbearance shown especially to an offender or to one subject to one’s power. It implies compassion that forbears punishing even when justice demands it. It is a blessing that is an act of divine unmerited favour or grace or compassion.


All human beings are guilty before God and cannot by themselves become right with God. God could have wiped out the whole of the human race. But He chose to find a way to extend mercy to all who are under the punishment of death. This He did through the acceptance of the blood of Jesus Christ as the redeeming sacrifice for all those who will trust Jesus Christ for their salvation from sin and its consequences. Jesus Christ is the only way back to God for fallen humanity and all those who come through Him to God are acceptable to God.


In line with this, we preach Jesus Christ and Him crucified, buried, resurrected, ascended into heaven now seated on the right hand of God the Father interceding for all the saints for whom He will come back the second time for.


We therefore aim to spread and promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ through every means available to us.


In furtherance of this, this website, Habitationofmercy.com is a tool that we developed and will continuously update in order to:

1. Inform, Enlighten and point people towards saving faith in our Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ (2 Timothy 4:1-5).

2. Assist people who have already trusted in Jesus Christ as their Saviour and Lord to move closer and closer to Him till they come to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Jesus Christ (Ephesians 4:13).

3. Provide sound and trustworthy information in diverse areas of life, so the committed Christian can have a life as designed by God (Psalm 119:103, 127-131; Ephesians 4:22-24; 1 John 2:2-6).

4. Encourage personal study of the Holy Scriptures and healthy discussion of issues pertaining to the biblical Christian faith and Christian living that pleases God (Acts 17:11; Nehemiah ).

5. Challenge your thinking (yes, you, our readers) to take another and thorough look at what you are and are engaged in while speaking biblically correct language.


We therefore pray that as a result of your contact with us:

  • if you have been granted the gift of true repentance unto salvation and have therefore been reconciled to God through our Lord Jesus Christ, you will cherish that relationship even more and become more committed and obedient to the Lord;
  • and if you are a true and sincere seeker of the truth, an atheist, a sceptic, or the simply curious or any other persuasion, your life will be touched by the Holy Spirit in such a way that you will become truly reconciled to the True and Only Living God through His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.


We invite you to come here often, feel free to ask your questions and also send your comments, for we are never away for more than a click [clickable].


Remember, God has placed within your means, the tools necessary for you to know Him, obey him and partake of the fullness that is available only in His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. 


Please, put your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ now; read His written Word, the Holy Bible frequently and  meditate upon it; put into practice what you are learning; talk to Him in prayer often and talk to others about Him as you have opportunity.


God will surprise you by answering your questions.


We trust that with continuous empowerment by the Holy Spirit, we shall be a church not limited by walls, reaching out cross all people across the world. We shall reach out to the world through all media: print and electronic. Using quality materials, we shall project and proclaim the Gospel message of Jesus Christ through all media: Books, journals, magazines, CDs, DVDs, e-books, e-zines, the internet, radio and television.


About Us | Who We Are | What We Believe | Purpose | What We Do | Why We Do What We Do


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